Tuesday, July 26, 2016

We need to grow greens

Organic farming is not yet that much popular here in our country, Farmers always want a good yield in their crops for the pocket sake. Yes, everybody wants to be rich but people does not have much concern
with their health or rather on other people's health. Cancer and many serious illnesses causing death to many because of the pesticides and other traces of chemicals present in our fruits and vegetables in the market. It is the right time that people will wake up, health concern is most important and our family is important.
      The problem now is most of the people rely an instant product that they can easily grab on the market. Most people loves to drop by food chains wherein food that being offered are not healthy, potatoes that being soaked in oil with soda drinks that cause poor health to many and especially to the children.
    Even my kids are being hooked to this food that so-called junkie . Until we came to the point that I have noticed poor health to my family, my kids can easily get a cough and most of us have allergies. So, this is it, I need to do something about this, I said to myself.
    I started researching about how to improve good health and found out that it will always start from within, having a healthy immune system, next , was a chemical free environment since it is most of the allergy causing. My research is becoming broader now until I reached to the proper diet research,  now to the healthy food. Until it becomes a problem like I ask myself where can I find the good stuff.
    Little by little there had been changes in our diet, my kids are growing up healthy. But I did not stop from there, my husband and I started to tilt the soil from a small backyard we had and started to plant green leafy vegetables and fruit bearing trees, there had been a big change in our health, this is the reason why I encourage everyone to make their own healthy, chemical free fruits and vegetables at their own backyard. It has so many health benefits.
     I will not stop this campaign since I am a pro-family, pro-life person.  Living healthy and eating healthy food makes a lot of sense.  And God is so good for creating the natural things around us, we should enjoy this benefits of having a healthy spirit, mind, and body.

     The only solution is, let us grow greens in our backyard. Let us go organic.

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